500 guests for the big day
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1138
- File No: 10
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 8-Jul-78
New ferry passes with flying colours
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1107
- File No: 10
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 1-Apr-78
A great send-off for new ferry
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1109-1110
- File No: 10
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 8-Apr-78
Two new ferries boost Truckline operations
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1083
- File No: 10
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 21-Jan-78