The lure of speed
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0663
- File No: 5
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News
- Date: 29-Jul-38
100 miles endurance contest
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0775
- File No: 6
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Date: 16-Jun-34
Points of interest
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0659
- File No: 5
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Date: 7-Aug-20
Opening of the Bournemouth Motor Boat Regatta last Monday
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0668
- File No: 5
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Date: 1910
Cavaliere S Salvi of Italy wins at over 29 mph: starting the outboard race of 100 nautical miles in Poole Harbour
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0667
- File No: 5
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Date: 1931
A lady riding astride in the winning boat: Mrs Guest piloting Pip at the British Motor Boat Club’s regatta at Poole
Time Period:
- Ref No: 0666
- File No: 5
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Date: 1932