They’re top again
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1407
- File No: 14
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole Advertiser
- Date: 21-Jul-83
Big Berther is the star of the park
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1274
- File No: 12
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 14-Mar-81
Fork lift successes
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1278
- File No: 12
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 18-Apr-81
Fork lift order
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1279
- File No: 12
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 2-May-81
£90,000 fork lift gets go-ahead
Time Period:
- Ref No: 1259
- File No: 12
- Media Type: Scrapbook
- Source: Poole & Dorset Herald
- Date: 17-Jan-81